Athlètes, il reste vous 19 jours avant l’ouverture des inscriptions aux qualifications.

Athlètes, il reste vous 19 jours avant l’ouverture des inscriptions aux qualifications.

Athletes, you have 19 days left before the opening of registrations for qualifications. 19 days to form your team. 19 days to take the leap and try to be among the best in your category.

For this kind of moments
Athletes, you have 19 days left before the opening of qualifying entries.
19 days to form your team.
19 days to take the plunge and try to be among the best in your category.

Stay tuned to find out the categories and their standards.


For this kind of moment
Athletes, you’ve got 19 days left before the opening of qualifying entries.
19 days to form your team.
19 days to take the plunge and try to be among the best in your category.

Stay tuned for the categories and their standards.